Thursday, May 5, 2016

Party At The Moon Tower

In the course of this semester I have learned many things about the issues that Texas government is facing and will face in the future, however, the most fascinating things I learned were not about what the government will do about things but the way in which it is set up to deal with this enormous state and its enormous issues. Texas is "business friendly" and small government focused and has been since its inception but because it is not willing to move forward with the progress of the state in population or ideology it will further cripple itself, and ultimately, fail its citizens.

Texas' legislature, which is elected, works part time, specifically 140 days unless called for a special session demanded by the governor. Texas is the second largest state in both geographic size and population. In order to resolve and, at the very least represent such a vast number of people it is unfeasible that the Texas legislature is doing its job properly. While an increase in the amount of time the legislature works means an increase in pay, the potential savings results in having decision making body ready to conceptualize the best solution to the state's problems and act on them in a timely manner could very well be invaluable. 

The Texas Legislature, the law making body of nearly 27 million people, needs to be employed full time. As population increases and Texas' decisions get put off and misrepresented, the state will fail in every way a state can. The government is failing us now and this will end in catastrophe, not for those in power but for those of us here at the bottom, who did not pay enough attention to change things. VOTE,

1 comment:

Hannah Newborn said...